Why can't I use my own bags?

Using bags is an integral part of our policy as bagging the recyclables helps cut down on the cross-contamination that often happens with recycling collection. Our bags are made of LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene). This means that our bags are made from a uniform material whereas typical kitchen bags are not and the brighter coloring makes them easily recognizable at MRFs. 

We have recently partnered with Glad and created a whole new Recyclops bag! Using Glad's ForceFlex technology, this new bag is much stronger than our previous bags all while using less plastic to make them! And the best part.......they are recyclable too! These bags are sent back to Glad to be recycled and remade into new bags. Check out our partnership here!

MurphBag-01             acquistion

In some cases such as low inventory, or waiting to receive your Recyclops bags, we allow the use of either white or transparent 13-gallon kitchen trash bags to house recyclables. Please do not use opaque or black trash bags to hold your recyclables in any fashion. These bags do not allow drivers to see the contents inside and are easily mistaken for trash when taken to recycling centers. If black or opaque plastic bags are used to place recyclables in, they cannot be collected. 

Please Note:

This article does not apply to Wasatch County, UT customers as your area does not require the use of the teal/blue Recyclops bags for the mixed recycling.